Rogue Coolant Leak

jeudi 10 avril 2014

Hey guys,

A little over three years ago I built and installed a 1981 304 into my 1978 7. since then it has been my daily driver and has amassed around 25000 miles. Being my first build it had its share of "rookie mistakes" but everything has seemed to settle down and I have had no problems for quite some time. This afternoon I went to leave work and noticed a 4 inch diameter coolant leak spot beneath the jeep. I checked all the usual suspects with no luck. The trail seems to terminate somewhere just above the oil pump housing which is what worries me the most. To my knowledge there are no coolant passages that low on the timing cover. The oil is not clouded nor is the coolant so I have no reason to believe that the two might be mixing but without a definite answer I am left only to worry until it happens again. Any ideas or similar happenings?

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