Serpentine belt issue

mercredi 9 avril 2014

About 3 months ago i bought my first jeep. When I got it, the belt was squeeling horribly. The first thing i did was replace the belt. Now, three months later the belt is already showing obvious signs of wear(on the inside closest to the block). I for some reason think that it could be the crankshaft pulley because of the way the belt acts as it passes around the pully.....IDK. From the little research I've done so far, I feel like it is a pulley allignment issue or a bad crankshaft pulley. My first question is, how do I check pully allignment?

Secondly, while trying to figure all this out, I noticed that the belt does not completely cover all of the pulleys. It seems to be about a 1/4 to 1/8 too narrow(a ridge on all pulleys are showing). Is it possible I was given the wrong belt.

Please keep in mind that i have almost no experience in working on cars or trucks(maybe it shows in my writing:laugh:) but i have already learned that if I am going to own a jeep..... I'll get plenty of experience in turning wrenches.

I have already learned a lot from this forum and I greatly appreciate all of the input.

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