Electric Winches for Gooseneck Trailer

lundi 2 juin 2014

Who here has an electric winch for their gooseneck? I have been thinking for sometime that it would be *really* nice to have. Who has one, who wishes they had one, and is it worth the money? How much did yours cost? Thanks.

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If you are referring to jacks, I have them on a fifth wheel (37', & 16k lbs) and they're great.

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A question that came up in a couple of rigging / safety forums recently:
Have you ever witnessed a chain hoist brake fail catastrophically?
It came up in discussions about the need and suitability of double brake hoist hoists.

Also raised an interesting side line:
How do you know that the first brake hasn't failed and you are actually running on your second brake thus making it a single brake hoist?
I am not a rigger but interested from a risk management perspective.

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