2000 TJ, 3.5" lift driveshaft vibration

lundi 26 janvier 2015

Can anyone share a link on a good diagram on adjusting my driveshaft angle to remove vibration?

I have a 3.5" rubicon express lift, 1" drop transfer case, factory driveshaft (no SYE kit now...but will have someday). I have new adjustable upper rear control arms to install, but for now I have installed some cam bolts in the factory upper rear control arms to help with pinion angle.

Honestly I've been driving like this for 12 years and 70K miles. :( Its a minor vibration under acceleration. I have even had the SYE kit and the upper adjustable control arms for the past 10 years... I just haven't installed due to money, or the fact that I want to get rid of the Dana 35, etc... I've been noticing some "noise" that sounds like bearings lately. I suspect its in the transfer case, because it's quiet under load, doesn't change with shifting to different gears, and from every indication it doesn't appear the rear end. I've always had a lot of slack in the transfer case chain.

My vibration is under acceleration and actually with 4 people riding in the jeep it goes away. I've trying to figure out if I install my control arms, which way do I need to pitch the pinion angle to help with vibration. the cam bolts helped when we first did it, but weren't quite enough. I like seeing pictures and I have a angle finder to help.



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