Lots of Transfer Case Questions

vendredi 13 février 2015

Hi Guys. I have a bunch of questions i'm wondering if you can help me out with.

I have a 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee 5.2L Laredo with the np249 transfer case.

My dilemma:

I'm having a popping noise in the front end while i'm moving (yes it's louder and more frequent in 4-Low) which i initially thought was the CV axle on the driver side because it was visibly bad. Since i changed the axle out, maybe half of the noise has gone away, but i still am getting a pop that is louder while going slow than when i'm up to speed. I do not believe it is the passenger side CV shaft because the popping is NOT at even intervals, and the axle visibly looks ok (no torn boot or any leaked grease). The popping is at it's worst when i'm accelerating from a stop, or under heavy engine load. The popping does not keep an even rhythm, it happens a bunch all at once then slowly pops less and less while i'm accelerating until i decrease engine load and level my speed out. It pops even when braking (although way less than when under load). It does NOT pop however when in "Neutral" or when in park idling (for what it's worth). The popping gets louder while climbing one of the infinite hills around my apartment (under load).

The only thing i can think of is that my transfer case chain is stretched out beyond belief. I KNOW the viscous coupler is junk because when i turn in tight circles or figure 8's i get a lot of bucking/binding motion from the front end. I think that the VC has been bad for so long that it's literally stretched the chain out like crazy and the chain is rounding off the sprockets/shafts inside the case.

I was TURNING left, pulling out of my icy driveway a few days ago to head to work, when the front wheels made it off the ice and onto the dry pavement, and i got a heavy 'bucking' sort of 4-low part time feeling and the jeep stalled out. I started it right back up and tried to continue the turn on the pavement and as soon as i started to move forward the jeep bogged down like it wanted to stall again so i backed it up and parked it and took my car to work.

My questions:

1. Can i remove my front driveshaft so i can drive it while i wait for warm enough weather to swap transfer cases?

2. Has anyone had a similar situation happen to them with their np249 transfer case powered Jeep that could offer some helpful info?

3. How exactly does the np249 transfer case work? I know it has a VC that couples the front and rear axles and is responsible for distributing power equally between the two, but, if my chain is bad in my transfer case, will it effect my RWD function of the drivetrain?

4. Assuming i can remove the front driveshaft and drive the jeep, will that do any damage to my transmission? I know it may destroy my transfer case VC (which is toast already), but i'm not worried about the Transfer case as i'll be swapping it out for a 231 or 242 as soon as it's warm enough to do it.

5. Would a totally shot Viscous coupler cause the jeep to stall while taking a sharp turn at idle speed?

I was talking with someone on Youtube about it, and they suggested i check my front axle differential ring gear? I guess they had a similar issue, but their popping was evenly spaced... similar to a CV shaft that's bad... you can hear it pop once per revolution or so... my jeep pops at a different rate, not matching wheel rotation.

Thank you very much those of you who read this, and if you have any helpful information for me, i can't say how much i appreciate it.


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