Need to vent about a shop

vendredi 23 mai 2014

I needed some new upper control arms installed on my jeep and to have the pinion angle dialed in for a SYE CV shaft. I called around to a couple of the local shops and described what I needed done. The first two didn't seem to have a clue, and I ended up simply hanging up on one shop when the mechanic said he didn't understand how the control arms would change the pinion angle:thumbdown:

I needed it done before the weekend and at this point I had more money then time or I would have spent 2 hours and done it myself. I finally find a shop that assures me they can handle it. i drop it off 2 hours early and they said they were slow so it would get right in. Finally 5 hours later I call to check on the progress. They have the arms installed, but they rotated the axle so far that the shocks hit the coil buckets. It had apparently been just sitting for 4 hours. It is now 4pm and they are getting ready to close up shop. I advise them it is a common problem and they simply need to flip the shocks around//and or grind some of the coil bucket off. They want to take the shock mounts off and move them. I say no, Im not going to pay for the labor to do that. They promise to get right on it today and call me if there are any other problems. About 11 oclock I show up at the shop the shocks are hanging by the upper mounts and I ask what is the problem. The mechanic says the upper mount is different then the lower and he cant turn them upside down. At this point I about blow my top. Again the rig has been sitting for 3 hours without a phone call and he can't figure out how to switch the bar/pin and bushings????

I had some new shocks that have been waiting to be installed, I go home get them bring them back to the shop and show him that he simply needs to press the bushing out. He stares at it dumbly and says " How am I going to get that bar pin out????

I loose my temper at this point get the manager and say "I shouldn't have to hold your &**(^&& mechanics hand through something this simple. Press the damn bushing out then mount the shock like so, if it still rubs, trim the coil bucket right here."

It is unbelievable to me that any mechanic can't figure out a relatively simply solution. The manager started to get upset and said he didn't have to do any of this to his jeep, which he points out. I say yeah and your also running a big transfercase drop and a stock drive shaft. Then I had to explain to him the difference between the two types of drive shafts and the different pinon angles each one needs.

I am venting I know, but take this as a warning to vet your shops more thoroughly then I did.

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