Which oil in your 2.7 CRD?

vendredi 6 février 2015

As there are quite a few oil debates going on here at the moment (and some of them more than slightly heated!) I though I would add to their number by starting one specifically for owners of the 2.7 CRD engines WJ (so that's WG if you want to be precise but its 99% the same vehicle, engine aside).

I've ran 10w 30 semi synth for the first 40k miles I've owned her but last oil change I switched to fully synth 5w40. For the first 3 or 4 thousand miles I noticed the freer revving nature of the motor especially from cold whereas the old oil made the engine feel a bit sticky until a couple of miles had passed and a slight mpg improvement....but now I notice that she is very slightly more clicky around the lifters than before especially when hot (offroad and in heavy traffic)...although the needle never goes beyond half way on the coolant temp gauge. So might change early and go to a 10w 30 or 10w 40...probably stick to fully synth though.

So the question is what do you guys use? (type/ brand or both) and what changes did you note....mainly interested in noise, feel of motor (hot and cold) and mpg changes if any. This is the real world so things don't always go right so if you put some oil in with bad effects tell us about that too. Obviously I'm mainly wanting to hear from the Brit/Euro crowd on this one as this engine is not sold in the states (well it is but not in the WJ) but do feel free to chime in US crew if you feel you have something constructive to say about oil for our tractor engines!

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