How many "early build" 1992 ZJs are left?

lundi 2 mars 2015

A while back I discovered that my 93 ZJ is actually an early-build model (which means it was built before 7/16/92). The differences between it and the models built after that date are small, in fact the only two I can think of are the oil filter adapter and the keyless entry system, both of which are incompatible with post-7/16/92 ZJs.

Anyway, it would be interesting to know how many early-build ZJs are still on the road. They'll all be 4.0Ls, and it wouldn't surprise me if they're rare now. I suppose there's no database anywhere, is there? The way you determine is to check the 12th digit of the VIN on a 93 ZJ; for early builds it's a 1, for others it's a 5.

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