New H2O Pump Leaking When Engine is Cold (4.7HO)

jeudi 1 mai 2014

Over the last three weeks I replaced my heater core, blend doors, water pump, thermostat, and a few other misc fixes.

Like an idiot, I didn't torque the water pump bolts to spec, and there was a pinhole leak a few days later. Picked up a new gasket and re-did the whole process and torqued each bolt to spec. Now she's leaking steady and I can not see where it's coming from but it eventually drips off the timing chain cover (I think). The lower bolts were a little corroded but I have no clue if that would have anything to do with it leaking.

She's a 2002 Ltd 4.7HO, 173,000 miles.

I hate to pull the boob card but I'm hoping my ignorance can be explained away as "Go figure, she's a girl".

I will say this though ~ after doing all the above repairs myself without air tools, on my back on my garage floor, I'm pretty sure my nuts dropped and now dangle as a proper pair.

Help. I am so sick of pumps, gaskets, coolant, bolts & kitty litter.

I do, however, enjoy twisting her petcock...

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