Clutch help please

mardi 20 janvier 2015

2004 Wrangler X

Let me start off with saying I have used the search function and the symptoms dont seem to match my problem exactly so any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.

It started two days ago with a squeal sound when utilizing the clutch. I was just able to repeat it when I went outside and feathered it in first and reverse. The squeal isn't constant and is when in neutral there is nothing out of the normal besides the sound of marbles in a coffee cans (its always done that). I can however feel grinding with I keep my hand on the shifter and clutch depressed when in gear. It left me stranded today at a stop light. I had the clutch completely depressed and was trying to go in any gear at all but it kept trying to lung when I got close or it would just grind like i forgot to push in the pedal. I finally forced it into reverse and started heading home. A few seconds later it went into gear and changed them fine. I can get it in gear now but have to play with it and sometimes it will just not go in gear at all and just grind.

I checked the fluid and its fine. The only leak is from the rear main seal and thats obviously not it. I thought maybe it was a slave cylinder or clutch. My current plans are to replace the clutch this saturday with a Luk kit and possible the slave cylinder but I wanted to checked with yall incase I am missing anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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