OBDII Fuel-trim, O2 Sensor Questions

vendredi 6 mars 2015

I just received my OBDlink OBDII connection setup. It is used with the company's proprietary software. Overall, it seems to work pretty well. At first it wouldn't connect, but that was because it configured for using a different USB port. I just changed locations and voila!

I'm now able to see such things as long-term fuel-trim, and some data for the 02 sensors as well. I've experienced a worsening of gas mileage of late, and wanted to see if it was something that might show up in the fuel-trim readings. This stuff is pretty new to me. Since the setup I got only works with Windows OS, and my Windows laptop has a bad battery, I'm not able to drive the car with it attached. I just run an extension cord through the window, which doesn't get me far. My readings at warmed up idle are as follows:

Long-term FT is just under 6%. Short-term is about -2%. Neither seems too bad. However, I don't know how the data stays in the OBD system, so I don't know what the LTFT is able to tell me. Does it use data going back from the last time the car was actually driven, or is everything based on what has happened since the last start-up? I.E., are the numbers at idle telling me a lot of nothing?

My 02 sensors are both showing around .8V. Does that sound about right? It seems that normal was closer to .5V or so. Thoughts? Thanks for any input offered.

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