Air compressor / tank for tires?

mardi 18 août 2015

So through much reading on several forums it has come to my attention that an onboard air system (not Co2) is pretty much a waste of time for filling 35's back up after coming off the trail.

My current equipment includes a Viair 450c compressor and Viair 2.5 gallon tank (150 psi). The general consensus is that this type of system is cool for air lockers or a train horn. When it comes to filling tires and wanting to do it quickly with high cfm, it's just whistling dixie.

True? I'm trying to get to the bottom of this prior to going through a big install process of my equipment (which I may still do anyway just to have an unlimited mechanical air source). Not trying to start a Co2 vs. compressor battle here just wondering if the compressor just isn't really the way to go in terms of filling tires or what.

I can say this much per my own experience, I have used the compressor alone to fill my tires directly and going from 20 lbs to 40 lbs takes forever. When I used my buddy's Warn "Powerplant" system it seemed to run off a straight tankless compressor and fill the tires rather quickly but... $$$ damn! Same story with the twin compressor ARB.. $$$($517 isn't as bad as the Warn but still).

Perhaps it's just a case of you get what you pay for in terms of cfm and fillin tires. ?

Air compressor / tank for tires?

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