Need some tips/confidence in coolant flush

mardi 18 août 2015

Hey! First off sorry for the long winded post. I'm planning to do a coolant flush soon and want to make sure I do it right. Iv read manuals, Haynes, other JF guides and threads and watched a ton of videos. Everyone seems to have different methods and each time I read or watch one, I Somehow make it more complicated and confuse myself.
I want to do this without messing with the engine drain plug, I want to make sure the heater core gets flushed, and going to be replacing the therm as well. So far this is my rundown.

Cold engine, cap on. Open petcock and let drain.
Once drained, re cap petcock and open rad cap.
Fill with garden hose water until full.
With cap off, start engine and let run at op. temp for a few minutes. Heater on, full blast
Repeat rad drain via petcock with cap off and garden hose 3-4 times until tap water is clear from rad and do a final tap water drain.
(This is where I get confused)
At this point I would replace the therm?
Refill with distilled water and start the engine again?
With the distilled water cycled through the engine block/heater core I would then add the other half of non diluted Zerex g05 in the rad? Hoping to achieve a poor mans 50/50 mix of distilled water (still in the block) and the hoat that I just added to the rad.

My jeep still gets heat just fine but I figured a heater core back flush wouldn't hurt but I'm not sure if I need to or when in this process I would have to do that. I'd also like to avoid any adatives or non rad specific cleaners. Would say a prestone rad flush be ok? Also i will not have access to any compressed air.
Like I said I think I'm making this more complicated than it needs to be, but I would appreciate some feedback, tips, opinions and a semi detailed play by pla I know I can speed up the process by removing the lower rad hose instead of using the petcock, and I also know I avoid the having to wait for the engine to heat up to allow flow to the heater core/engine by removing the therm completely and replace it before final install but I'm not sure. Once again, huge paragraph for n easy job but Iv never done this before so thanks in advance.

Need some tips/confidence in coolant flush

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