Looking for help on First major project on the 95: Suspension

mercredi 29 juillet 2015

Alright. So now that I've finally fixed all of the major issues I can do, It's time for me to work on some of the things I want to replace and such on my 95. As this is probably a more major project, I'm looking for all help and input before I begin even step 1, so that those with more experience might help a newbie learn more about his Jeep and how to notice and fix bad things.

Anyway, onto the title of this thread. I'm looking to replace my suspension, front and rear. Ideally the first more, as I think it's beginning to squeak over bumps occasionally.

I'm wondering though, what involved in the suspension should I replace? Would it be just a few things, such as the shock absorbers, springs, and related parts to them? Or even more, such as the stabalizer bar, Suspension arms, track bar, etc? What are the types of tools I may need that your average Backyard mechanic may not have? Can it even be done in a backyard setting with a Jack [I'm gonna be investing in a 3 ton harbor fright jack by next weekend, there's a crazy deal on them this month] or would I need to find a garage with a lift? [I have a buddy who can get me on a base to use one thankfully, but it involves working around his schedule.]

My 95 is both my DD and my work car [Pizza deliveries, woo!] so I want her to kinda stay as such, but wouldn't mind some improved handling and performance, so if people have recommmendations, i will take those as well.

Basically, anything you can lay upon me. I'm a blank slate of learning here, and looking to the more experienced for all the advice and tips.

Thanks in advance!

Looking for help on First major project on the 95: Suspension

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